[Updated 9/12 to reflect: (1) DOE approval of the New Fortress Energy Altamira project in the Gulf of Mexico for sales to non-free-trade nations, and (2) a new project in early stage permitting (Gato Negro Manzanillo LNG)]

Click the link below to download the detailed inventory of LNG projects.
LNG applications impacted by the Energy Permitting Reform Act are indicated in red and total 12.3 bcf/d, which would be a 50% increase in approved LNG exports compared to projects already operating or under construction.
Pending projects are organized into three categories:
(1) "Late-Stage Permitting" includes 5 LNG projects that are awaiting DOE permits and have been approved by FERC. If EPRA is enacted, DOE's 90-day clock will start automatically for these projects.
(2) "Mid-Stage Permitting" includes 3 LNG projects that do not have any permit approvals, but have satisfied the permitting requirements of the Energy Permitting Reform Act, including a draft NEPA document in the case of cross-border projects and a final NEPA document in the case of US-based LNG production. If EPRA is enacted, DOE's 90-day clock will start automatically for these projects based on the following criteria from EPRA (Sec. 601):
For US-based LNG Projects: "the date on which the notice of availability for each final review required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 for the exporting facility
is published."
For re-export of US gas via Mexico LNG production: "the date on which the notice of availability for each draft review required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 for the application is published."
(3) "Early-Stage Permitting" projects have been pre-filed with federal agencies but do not have permits nor the NEPA documents considered in EPRA.